Seeing that no Who Am I was officially posted, Wally has raced from the bench to pinch hit for Chas. This is what you get on short notice:
Talk about a “flash in the pan” … my photo is probably next to that phrase in the dictionary. At the age of 24, I won Rookie of the Year honors after slugging 23 home runs and driving in 89 runs. That season, the locals even made a song about me which reached #3 on the charts. Then, I became the first Rookie of the Year to be back in the minors the following season. The season after that, I played my last major league game. Wow, what a quick roller coaster ride that was! I played in 201 major league games over 3 seasons all with the same team … I hit 29 HRs and amassed 114 RBI. But I had fun!
As a lot of “flashes” will tell you about themselves, I was probably my own worst enemy. My antics and aggressive nature weren’t exactly conducive to a long athletic career … or good health in general. I used beer for a lot of tricks and was actually stabbed by a “fan” with a pen. My major league career was just a bit longer than Roy Hobbs’ career in The Natural, so maybe it was fitting that I was an extra in that film shortly after my career ended.
Who am I??
Did this stump everyone or are y’all just on vacation?
Like 99% of these, I had to look it up. I forgot about this player, but the opening beer bottles with his eye socket cracked me up.
There is only one name that comes to mind and he played for the Cleveland Indians. Joe Charboneau if I spelled his name right.
DOH! Charboneau came to mind, but I could only remember his goofy mug on the front cover of SI. I could not remember him accomplishing ANYTHING much less getting ROY honors.
Atlanta had a 3rd baseman around the same time who could have fit these stats. Bob? I’m drawing a blank with his last name.
Casey – you thinking of Bob Horner??
Hahaha…Little Bob Horner sat in his corner eating his curds and whey.
Super Joe Charboneau is correct. Smitty, does Bill get an assist on that or did you know it without his clue?
Yes, Bob Horner was roughly of the same vintage over in the NL. Pretty good power hitter but in the end kind of a disappointing pro career. Horner is one of those players who basically stepped right off the college diamond and into the majors. What college did he play for???