By Kyle Soppe
With 3 weeks in the books, let loose and rank the nations top 15 teams. I will combine everybody’s rankings and produce a PickinSplinters Poll. The point system is simple: 15 points for a first place vote, 14 for a second place vote, etc. Please have your rankings in by Sunday night at 8:00pm , so I can try to have the rankings up by Monday morning, like a real football poll. This is your poll, do what you want with it. Think the AP rankings are way off? This is your chance to do something about it.
1. Oklahoma
2. Alabama
3. LSU.
4. Boise State
5. Wisconsin
6. Stanford
7. OK State
8. South Carolina
9. Nebraska
10. Texas A+M
11. VA Tech
12. Arkansas
13. Florida State
14. Oregon
15. Baylor
1. LSU
2. Oklahoma
3. Wisconsin
4. Boise State
5. Alabama
6. Stanford
7. Oklahoma State
8. Texas A&M
9. South Carolina
10. Baylor
11. South Florida
12. West Virginia
13. Nebraska
14. Florida
15. Virginia Tech
Kyle —
There was talk about a week ago about giving people til Monday evening and then publishing the consolidated results Tues morning. Decide against that?
1. Oklahoma
2. LSU
3. Wisconsin
4. Stanford
5. Alabama
6. Boise State
7. Texas
8. South Carolina
9. Florida
10. Nebraska
11. Arkansas
12. Oklahoma State
13. USC
14. South Florida
15. Clemson
Wally – why would you need until Monday night to list 15 teams?
Some weekends … a few … might not be near a computer til Monday, but I’ll go with what the group wants. Might just be MIA 2-3 times.
Can a probation team such as USuC get votes on our poll, Casey? Are there any rules?
As for USC – I was wondering the same thing. Part of my motivation for including the Trojans. Maybe open up the discussion. I am in favor of not including them. What does that mean for Miami and Ohio State. Oh wait, the Buckeyes wouldn’t make it anyway.
Some might not have the time to comment on Monday with their list.
Yes, the point is flexibility … you can send in your rankings on Sunday OR Monday and and it can be included in the Tues morning posted rankings.
I say no votes for teams on probation … so if we’re taking a vote, that’s mine.
2 Boise State
3 Oklahoma
4 Alabama
5 Wisconsin
6 Texas A&M
7 Oklahoma State
8 Stanford
9 Arkansas
10 West Virginia
11 Florida
12 Nebraska
13 Oregon
14 Florida State
15 South Florida
The idea of doing it before Monday, is partly the influence of the AP Poll and Coaches Poll. By doing it early, it is a true PS poll, not influenced by outside sources
1. Oklahoma
2. Alabama
3. Boise State
4. LSU
5. Florida State
6. Oklahoma State
7. Stanford
8. Nebraska
9. Wisconsin
10. Texas A&M
11. Arkansas
12. Oregon
13. South Carolina
14. Michigan State
15. Ohio State
I’m all for independent thinking on this, but the AP poll and Coaches poll are both released early afternoon Sunday. So what diff does it make ir our deadline is 8pm Sun or Mon. I’m only trying to ensure we maximize participation in ours by allowing more time.
Smitty, you seemed to favor a Monday deadline earlier. What say you?
I agree with Wally. When we were kicking this idea around we talked about a Monday evening deadline. I suspect there may even be guys who aren’t checking the site on Sunday.
That said, I like Kyle’s idea of not being influence, but it may be a little ambitious. Besides, it’s not what we discussed. My initial suggestion was Monday by 8pm, then Wally and Smitty echoed this. I think they actually said 7pm. No one countered by suggesting Sunday evening, so I don’t think it’s fair to change without discussion.
I say we make the deadline Monday by 7pm this week and we talk further about whether or not Sunday night is realistic.
Breanna, did you take into account Saturday’s big losses by Ohio State and Mich State? Just wondering ….
I might have influenced Kyle with that idea, so I am more than willing to field any concerns.
If we want to wait until Monday, I will accept that. I am opposed to the idea. I need to let you know that my poll will be influenced by other polls. I will inevitably see those and take them into consideration. If you can avoid that influence, all the more power to you.
I should re-phrase my earlier question – if the deadline is Monday night what is stopping you from giving your list now if you see the thread started?
Kyle – You’re taking charge and totaling. Do it whenever it is most convenient for you.
It’s not that simple, Rey. A lot of people were involved in coming up with this idea and some decisions were already made.
I understand, but it is Kyle who is doing work. He has to take time to total, post, etc. which takes more time than it takes us to simply post 15 teams. Maybe Sundays work best for him and that’s why he is doing it today. Some Sundays we’ll have a bunch of guys who submit a poll; others we may have only a couple. Just the way it is.
I sent out an email, and I talked to Kyle. He is going to compile the polls through email and then publish the final list some time after Monday at 7p.m.
I got to admit – after 7 p.m. on Monday seems irrelevant.
1. Oklahoma
2. Boise State
3. LSU
4. Alabama
5. Wisconsin
6. Oklahoma State
7. Stanford
8. Texas AM
9. Oregon
10. South Carolina
11. Nebraska
12. Florida State
13. Virginia Tech
14. Arkansas
15. Baylor
What are you taIking about, Casey? Irrelevant to whom? I think you’re just getting ridiculous with that statement.
Look, I don’t have a problem with doing it on Sunday, but I don’t see Smitty or Pete on here today, and I suspect they don’t even know we moved up the deadline by 24 hours. That could have very likely happened to me as well. I don’t always check this site on the weekends.
If you wanted to move it up to Sunday, why didn’t you say so a week ago? That’s what bothers me about this.
Rey, while I appreciate that Kyle has volunteered to do this, I’ve also said that I’m willing to help him out if he wants it. He just seemed all gung-ho about it, so I figured why not let him run with it. I really want this to be something where 8 or 10 people are contributing to it on a regular basis, not one week it’s these 2 or 3 guys and the next week it’s a different 3 or 4.
Anyway, here are my picks. Let’s change the deadline to Sunday for next week, so that we can be relevant in Casey’s eyes:
1. LSU
2. Oklahoma
3. Alabama
4. Boise St.
5. South Carolina
6. Wisconsin
7. Stanford
8. Oklahoma St.
9. Nebraska
10. Texas A&M
11. Virginia Tech
12. Florida
13. Arkansas
14. Oregon
15. West Virginia
Now on that the subject of criticizing each other’s picks. I’d prefer that everyone makes their picks in the comment thread, but maybe it should be a rule that we don’t discuss each other’s picks until they’re already compiled.
C’mon Wally, the first week of this thing and already you’re criticizing someone?
Well … Chas … I just thought it was rather “odd” that Mich St, Ohio St, and Florida St were all perched comfortably in someone’s Top 15, esp after what happened yesterday. Don’t you? I wasn’t trying to be mean about it … Just made me wonder if they understood what we’re doing … that’s all. I guess when Kyle gets down to the averaging, such outliers will be weeded out.
Here are mine. I am fine with a Sunday deadline. I proposed it because Pete didn’t think he could get to a computer until then. But the poll should get out at as soon as possible. I also think the picks should be anonymous and done through email. This is to discuss our Poll, not justifying why you put a team where – see Wally jumping on someone already.
Also.if we have 3 voters one week and 2 another week – so what? This is not our job, we do this because we love it.
Here are mine:
1. LSU
2. Oklahoma
3. Boise State
4. Alabama
5. Wisconsin
6. Stanford
7. South Carolina
8. Texas A&M
9. Florida
10. Oklahoma St.
11. Nebraska
12. Texas
13. Florida State
14. Baylor
15. Oregon
“Also.if we have 3 voters one week and 2 another week – so what? This is not our job, we do this because we love it.”
I realize that Smitty. “Because we love it” is the reason we want to do it right. My point is I want to set it up so that we can allow everyone to contribute regularly.
Either way, I’m coming around on the Sunday night deadline idea. I was in the process of writing a (probably too) long email to you guys about it. I’ll probably finish that up later today.
“I really want this to be something where 8 or 10 people are contributing to it on a regular basis, not one week it’s these 2 or 3 guys and the next week it’s a different 3 or 4. ”
My point is that while 8-10 people voting is great – there are going to be weeks that there willl be 3 or 4 voters one week and possibly a different 3 or 4 the next week. We all have things going on in our lives and those events – will take priority. It is okay – not a major thing. We have a process in place for people to vote – that is what we need and what I think we are doing.