by Patrick ‘Rey’ Reynell
There is often nothing funnier than capturing a facial expression or occurrence at the right time, or, should we say, the most inopportune time.
I challenge you, loyal readers, to view the picture below and provide a captivating caption that will cause “the shores a-crowding” with “people all exulting.” Should you provide the wittiest of captions, for you the flag will be flung and the bugles will trill.
In honor of the 2010 NFL season and the end of Brett Favre as we know him (hopefully), this week we’ll visit the current Super Bowl MVP, Aaron Rodgers, and his old Packer mentor. This picture is obviously a few NFL seasons removed, but after Favre’s final and tumultuous season and the dominant playoff run Rodgers just completed, I couldn’t help but cackle upon seeing it. Have fun with this one:
You’ve got the context, now make like the father of free verse and create the best caption you can in the comments below.
“Hey, Brett – I just won the Super Bowl MVP. What could possibly go wrong with my career now?”
“Uhhh, well . . . Just make sure you, well – I wouldn’t necessarily . . . .”
“Listen – Aaron: I accidentally sent you a text message with a picture attached to it. Just delete that before you even open it and I won’t have the linemen haze you.”
“So here is the plan: the organization is going to run you out of town, you are going to become a running joke and I am going to lead the Packers back to the promised land. Sound good?”
“Ready – break! “
“All joking aside; don’t you think it’s time for you to move on.”
“Brett, since you are my mentor, any suggestions as to how I handle the sideline reporters?”
“Ines Sainz? Sheee…yah!”
Wracker brand …. Real. Comfortable. Yellow. Shorts.
“Just stick with me, kid, and I’ll have you throwing untimely interceptions off your back foot in no time.”
This. Is. Hilarious. Just a fair warning: there is some vulger content, but it is worth it. I can’t stop laughing. Casey – if this is inappropriate for the site you can take it down – but not after you watch it.
“You look about my mom’s age…Will you be my dad??”
Say Brett, you ever hear the story of the elephant graveyard?
Aaron- In a few years, you’re gonna have your consecutive starts streak ended by a 6th round draft pick of the Buffalo Bills, while your playing for the Vikings. That same year i’m going to lead this team to a Super Bowl title, and win MVP”
Brett- Haha if that happens i’ll be the first to congratulate you.
Aaron- Yeah, just don’t text me.
So kid, you want to learn how to score huh? Got a cell phone?
Hahahaha – that is the best one.
Hey man, Don’t worry I won’t break all your records, I’ll let you keep that interception one…