A review of my career stats can cause quite a heated debate. On one hand I struck out over 100 times in 9 of my 19 seasons. I fanned more often than I scored during 11 seasons. In fact upon retirement I struck out more than anyone in the history of the Major Leagues. Hard to imagine for a leadoff batter who was a first-ballot hall-of-famer. Of course the fine people of Chicago would not have minded had I’d stayed on the North Side. Many might consider the trade (was Ernie Broglio that good?) that sent me packing as a crime. And crime might serve as a way to describe my best asset on the diamond. Twice I played on a World Series winner. I batted .391 in 21 post-season games. Although I was known for my speed I hit a home run into the bleachers at the Polo Grounds – one of only four hits to travel that 450 ft. distance.
Who am I?
crossword pete says
Lou brock
Casey says
score one for pete.
Kevin Banks says
Lou rocks
Casey says
Welcome to the Clipboard. Come back soon for more Who am I stuff.
crossword pete says
So, am i the ONLY one who sits at my computer and stares at /refreshes the site with no other active component in my life?
Rey says
Pete and Chas – could you please go take up a hobby for a few weeks so I can at least get on the board this season.
crossword pete says
Looking for Christmas morning, heh? Well hang in there; my run is almost over!
Casey says
Never realized you were a champion sand bagger. 🙂