Looking at my numbers probably doesn’t tell the story. Sure I hit .300 a few times, ripped 30 hrs once, and drove in 100 on three occasions. But in 23 years I never led the league in any of those categories. In fact the only offensive category I ever led was doubles, and I did that one time. I appeared in six mid-summer classics – started in one. I played in the World Series once. Perhaps the best way to identify me is to think of three of the teams I played for – the Mets, Astros / Colt ’45s, and Tigers. What one uniform color do those three teams have in common. Figure out that color and you got me.
Who am I?
crossword pete says
Rusty Staub
crossword pete says
Tough to research. Good one!
Casey says
We have a change on the leader board.
crossword pete says
Staring at/refreshing computer for WAI sure beats watching election results!
Soccer info says
Nice blog post, will keep it in mind. Maybe something I can do on my blog 🙂
Smitty says
Pete is on a roll!!
The WAIs at night are going to be a little tougher with Pete slamming down a Mountain Dew and hiting the refresh button like he was playing the slots in Vegas.
Chas you are definitely in trouble!!
Chas says
As I said before, the regular season WAIs are not as big a deal as the Challenge. There are definitely nights that I’m not even home for the entire night, and I’m sure everyone else has experienced the same.
In a way, Pete is leading with a slight disadvantage…he was ineligible for the question he wrote, which was one of the ones I got right.