Usually Aaron reserves his wisdom for the comments. This time Smitty took the lead on the discussion.
With most of Rochester off and sleeping in, I had to get up and go to work this morning. While driving in, I had the opportunity to listen to the ‘Mike and Mike’ show on ESPN radio. Filling in for Greenie and Golic was Sean Salisbury and Erik Kuselias.
During my 10 minute car ride, they got into a discussion about the 2007 year in sports. The topic: the good and bad moments in sports in 2007. Their contention was that in 2007 there were extremely good moments and there were extremely bad moments – nothing in between.
So as I am at work this morning, just counting the hours until they send us home early – after all, who is worried about their 401(k) plan on New Year’s Eve??Okay, I digress but sitting here at work, I started to reflect about some of the good and bad things that happened in the world of sports during 2007. I suddenly felt inspired to start my own list. Yeah some of them might be similar to their discussion, but then I think that only validates the idea of what is good and what isn’t. But here are my thoughts – some random, some good natured about the Good and the Bad in 2007:
THE GOOD:1. The resurgence of Brett Favre and the Green Bay Packers.
2. The University of Hawaii’s perfect season. Oops did I jinx it? Regardless, it has been a great year for them.
3. The Anaheim Might Ducks winning the Stanley Cup for the first time.
4. A perfect regular season for the New England Patriots. 16-0 is quite an accomplishment. Which prompts the question – what comes after a dynasty?
5. The Colorado Rockies – what a run to the World Series
6. The Boston Celtics rejoining the ranks of the elite in the NBA. The NBA just seems to be better when the Celtics are better.
7. Parity in college basketball. It is fun to watch Dayton, Butler and S. Illinois be relevant and have a chance.
8. LeMoyne Dolphins DII men’s lacrosse championship for the 3rd time in 4 years. The only dynasty we Dolphin alumni have ever known.
9. Bill Parcells in the NFL. As much as I hate him, he is good for the NFL and will turn the Dolphins around. Will he be calling Dave Meggett and Maurice Carthon?
10. The Cleveland Browns. Not only because they had a winning season, but they did it for one of the good guys in the NFL – Romeo Crennel.
11. The Boston Red Sox winning their 2nd World Series in 4 years. It took 86 years for one, and now we only have to wait a couple of years before the next championship.
12. Tiger Woods. He continues to show us he is a man amongst boys. After taking a few weeks off for the birth of his first child, he comes back and plays some of his best golf. Something tells me that we are about to witness the best that has yet to come from Tiger.
13. Kevin Everett. What a story and here is hoping that his recovery continues into 2008.
14. Warner Robins Little League World Champions. What a dramatic win and watching the joy on each kid’s face after the walk-off HR. It doesn’t get old.
15. Tony Gwynn and Cal Ripken Jr. being elected into the Hall of Fame. Can’t think of two more deserving players.
16. Billy Donovan – Sure he was a little confused. But in the end, he stayed right where he should have…University of Florida.
17. Josh Hamilton – His ability to conquer personal demons and perform at the major league level is incredible. Here is hoping that those demons stay away and he can become the player everyone thought.
18. Tom Brady – He kept the same girlfriend for an entire year. Yeah, I am jealous – so what?
1. The King of them all – Michael Vick. And for that matter no more playing of “Who let the dogs out?” Please? We get it, come up with something else.
2. The Mitchell Report. Hopefully this closes the book on the steroid scandal, but I have a feeling it is only going to get worse. Clemens has hired Magnum P.I. to save his neck. Yikes!!!
3. Bobby Petrino – How can fans in Arkansas be ecstatic about this hiring? The Falcons’ fans should be grateful.
4. Betting scandal in the NBA. Certainly raises skepticism about a couple of the playoff series.
5. Marion Jones, her admittance of using HGH and subsequent forfeiting of 5 Olympic gold medals.
6. Barry Bonds. Not only the on-going perjury/ performance-enhancing scandal. But after the Giants graciously supported Bonds and his pursuit of the record, he accuses them of “firing” him and not giving him enough time to say goodbye to fans. If they made the decision earlier, would he would have complained that they took away from his pursuit of Hank Aaron’s HR record?
7. The passing of Skip Prosser. One of the good coaches in the college ranks.
8. Sean Taylor – A tragic ending to a man that had clearly turned his life around. Only to have it taken by a random act of violence. And further shame on those in the media that made assumptions about his life that were out of line.
9. The Miami Dolphins – I saw a stat yesterday, that of the last 5 NFL drafts, the Dolphins have only 1 – yes that is one – player on their team that they drafted in last 5 drafts combined. No wonder why they are terrible.
10. Isaiah Thomas and New York Knicks. Is there a bigger embarrassment in sports right now? Knick fans should be asking for a refund, and Jim Dolan should be handing out the checks. REFUND? REFUND?
11. Spygate. Gotta mention it. Belichik, shame on you.
12. Shawn Marion’s jumpshot. Kindergarteners beware!!
13. George Steinbrenner stepping down. He will be missed. He helped bring the Red Sox/ Yankee rivalry to new levels. Jury is out on Kim Hank-il, but here is hoping that he is close to being what his father was.That is all I can think of for now… Definitely some highs in the 2007 for sports, and some definite lows in 2007. Please add your thoughts on 2007 year. Happy New Year and here is wishing everyone a safe and prosperous 2008.
I can wait no longer. Is anyone else gonna comment on this? Great stuff Aaron.
Add to the Good: Appalachian St. (Maybe now the Appalachia jokes will go away…NOT)
RIT winning the American East
Joe Paterno – for the love of God the guy just keeps coaching.
Kaheem Gist
The Bad:
PacMan Jones
Yankee fans giving a standing ovation for a guy announcing that he is gonna take ’em for 6mill per month.
Hope Solo
Jon Lester battling cancer starting in August 2006 and returning to pitch (and win) in the 2007 World Series. Whether you were a Sox fan or not, you weren’t a sports fan in 2007 if you didn’t stop to watch his return to the mound and got a little choked up when the camera jumped back-and-forth between him and his parents.
Putting all the focus on the performance-enhancing drug/supplement problem towards Major League Baseball. Wasn’t it this football season that Rodney Harrison served a 4-game suspension because he tested positive? The media and these reports have decided to show how rampant it is in the MLB, when will it be time to hold the NFL accountable?