As originally aired on The Rochester Press Box
Gambling is ruining sports. Not an any moralistic way. It’s actually making them less fun.
Syndicated sportscaster Dan Patrick said some interesting things this week. In his youth, he used to wager a lot of money on sports through a bookie. It wasn’t legal then kids. And he said he couldn’t watch the games he bet on. It was torture. It spoiled the game for him. Eventually out of necessity, he quit gambling. Cold turkey.
Despite the fact that Duffy refers to me as a degenerate gambler. Something I take no offense at since I was once. But outside of an actual trip to Vegas where I hit on a UB basketball game of all things, I haven’t bet on a sporting event in well over ten years. Because rather than add to the experience as these gambling sites promote, the pure enjoyment of watching a game is compromised. The Bills Chiefs game Sunday. Excruciating for gamblers on both sides. Wasn’t it excruciating enough on its own? Who needs that?
Fantasy sports? I’m all in. With the caveat… I don’t look at the roster of the team I’m playing against. Then I don’t find myself rooting against an arbitrary group of players. It is the best life advice I have to offer. Patrick went on to say that we rationalize our gambling habit by comparing it to a Broadway show. It’s money spent. Except that I’m not doubling down on the 700-dollar hit I took on Music Man, by trying to recoup the money on Monday.
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